![The Spinning Dancer](http://www.123opticalillusions.com/pages/Spinning_Dancer.gif)
Stare at her long enough and you will be able to see her rotate both ways.
Stare at her long enough and you will be able to see her rotate both ways.
I’m still not hundred percent certain why I kept this optical illusion private, but somehow I never gained enough courage to share it with you - my audience. Probably because the topic was somehow edgy, and balanced between SFW (safe for work) and NSFW. Anyhow, here it goes… The picture you see below circled the internet few months ago, and was more than popular in those days. Apparently the lamp picturedinside the photo could be understood in more than one way. Not only was it funny - it was extremely sexytoo! But wait… there’s more! If this was the whole story I wouldn’t make so much fuss about it. More interesting part is what happened afterwards. The real twist came month later, when the “original author” published the second photo which revealed the truth. You can see it below the first one, but I hid it inside the expandable box so I don’t ruin the effect. Be sure to check it out, but only after reading this text and figuring the previous image first. Theory about second twist exists as well, but it relies on Photoshop theory- which (in this case) isn’t important at all.
Just found this great advertisement done by one of the largest Russian mobile communication companiesMegafon (which unfortunately, I never heard of). If you’ve been following our website from its very start, the photo below may look somehow familiar to you. Yes, we posted “The Terrace” optical illusion (article title: “Parallel World”) back in March 2006. But the most interesting part is that both of these are just a variation of an even older original. Let me explain this further…
Check out the thumbnail on your right. It has been cropped, but when you open it in full size, you’ll see the original artwork done by Sandro Del-Prete titled “Folded Chessboard“. This piece of art was created all the way back in 1975, and I’m still not sure how it managed to slip my attention when I posted complete opus of Sandro Del-Prete’s artwork.
Anyway, “The Terrace” optical illusion we talked about earlier is JUST ONE in the sea of successful variations of Sandro Del Prete’s “Folded Chessboard”. If you browse the web, and search for Chessboard Illusions you will find dozen of examples. The Terrace was David Mcdonald’s first published illusion. It proved very popular in the last few years, and it can be found all over the web now. The most interesting part is that when compiling “The Terrace”, David took more than sixty purpose taken photographs, and used them to create this image you see on your left. I’m looking forward to hear you thoughts, and be sure to explain which of the three optical illusions posted today you find the best. Also, do you find “in depth articles” like this one I compiled today more interesting, or would you prefer more illusions per day but with less text? An idea struck my head to start posting new optical illusion every 6 hours or so, but then only few lines of text would accompany each article. Share your view on this, I beg you.